The New York Alliance for Healthcare Justice is a coalition of frontline healthcare workers, faith leaders, community health advocates and patients dedicated to ensuring that Medicaid reimbursements cover the full cost of care, so that all New Yorkers have access to quality health care. 

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Frontline caregivers in hospitals and nursing homes across New York advocate fiercely for Medicaid equity, demanding an end to healthcare disparities through calls to action and rallies throughout the state.


Medicaid equity is a moral and racial justice issue. An interfaith coalition of more than 650 ministers, priests, rabbis, imams, and other leaders from New York’s faith communities join together to fight for their communities. 


Over 100 patient groups and community health advocates, representing hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers across the state, demand that our leaders in Albany address the dire healthcare crisis by raising the reimbursement rate for hospitals and nursing homes.


A majority of Democratic legislators in the Senate and Assembly publicly support fully funding Medicaid. New York has avoided harmful cuts and made significant new investments in reimbursement rates and safety net hospitals.

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The New York Alliance for Healthcare Justice is an initiative through the Healthcare Education Project (HEP), a community-based advocacy organization working to protect and expand access to quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans through education, advocacy, and coalition building. For more information, contact media@healthcareedproject.org.